Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Rickets: A preventable bone disease

Rickets is a well known bone disease seen among infants and children. It causes skeletal deformities and softening of bones. An identical disorder seen amongst adults is known as osteomalacia. Rickets is a vitamin deficiency disease caused by lack of vitamin-D. Dietary intake of vitamin-D and natural conversion of pro-vitamin-D to vitamin-D through ultraviolet radiation of sunlight is must for the prevention of rickets. Inadequate exposure to sunlight may be the main biological factor responsible for the development of rickets, but inadequate intake of vitamin-D and calcium remains the number one cause of rickets. So, the main factors responsible for causing rickets are malnutrition, vegetarianism and inadequate exposure to sunlight. Rickets is very common amongst the malnourished children. Egg yolk, butter and some species of fish are the best known natural sources of vitamin-D. Lactating mothers should always take adequate diet rich in vitamin-D to prevent rickets in their infants. Growing children need food supplements fortified with vitamin-D in addition to normal diet and adequate exposure to sunlight for healthy bones and prevention of rickets.

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