Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Who is God?

Different people had/have divergent views for and against the God. Modern people understand the modern words whereas the words of religious books and scriptures are beyond the understanding of many. There are certain things which have no physical shape or size but could be experienced, felt or appreciated like - cold, hot, beautiful, ugly, entertaining, painful, joyful
etc. The God is a cosmic energy without any definite size or shape and could be experienced though various techniques of meditation or self realization.

Human mind is like the pulse of a microprocessor of a computer and is powered by bioenergy attained through breathing. Inhalation and exhalation create positive and negative waves in our body and regulate various metabolic processes essential for life, emotions and desires. Ordinary human beings are overpowered by desires and run after Godmen for blessings for the fulfillment of their desires but fail to understand that the God is omnipresent and all pervading. The God is like the fragrance of a flower. The God is a positive energy and could be generated within through positive thinking and self realization. The God does not need any special prayer or sacrifice. Just trust your existence, love thyself and do good to others for attaining a positive aura. The truthfulness and kindness are two major attributes of the God and 'His' existence can be experienced through the attainment of these qualities.

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