Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Fat Bursting Tips

Causes of Fatness:

Fat is an essential component of our body. Medical professionals and nutritionists are trying hard to explore the facts behind the accumulation of fat and possible ways of bursting it. However, fatty persons may be healthier and fit than the lean people of the same height and age. Fatness and fitness are two distinct attributes of general health profile. The cause of fatness may be genetic, metabolic, lifestyle associated or viral infection. The body weight, size, circumference of thigh sand waist could be recorded to evaluate the degree of fatness and to monitor the effect of a slimming regimen. Studies conducted on animals and humans suggest a strong genetic association to obesity. Fatso gene has been documented in some strains of mice. There could be many fat genes in human beings. Excessive craving for food leads to metabolic slowdown and promotes accumulation of fat in the body. Some people keep on eating frequently since 6 am to 10 pm. Some people may have more fat cells. Animal studies have brought to light that persistent infection of adenoviruses may cause obesity. Antibodies to adenovirus-36 have also been demonstrated in the blood of obese patients.

Fat Bursting Tips:

The vast volume of literature available suggests that one could be fat and fit. The weight and size does not matter in defining health. More than 30% of obese people mostly have normal blood pressure, blood sugar and cholesterol and other health parameters. However, one may follow the following fat bursting tips depending on the degree of fatness or to avoid fatness:

  1. Healthy Eating: Drink 250-500 ml of warm water in the morning; lemon water may be more beneficial. Low fat and low carbohydrate diet would be beneficial. Whole grains are recommended as source of low-carbohydrate and high fibre diet. Saturated fats should be avoided. Pulses, fruits and vegetables should form the major part of your diet.

  2. Avoid Oxidants: Preserved food stuffs contain an extra amount of oxidants and free radicals. Free radicals and oxidants also promote obesity in addition to aging. Antioxidants have anti-aging and anti-obesity properties. Seasonal fruits and vegetables are rich source of antioxidants, so intake of fruits and vegetables would be beneficial for body shaping.

  3. Avoid Craving for Cookies: The normal food does not lead to addiction, however, just a thought of delicious dishes and drinks may activate the brain cells to produce dopamine, the hormone linked to pleasure and motivation. Obese people should avoid craving for such foods otherwise they may have to consume extra than the normal to get the desired level of pleasure and satisfaction.

  4. Pro-anorexia Drugs: Use of drugs to reduce appetite is the new way to tame cravings for food. For instance, vigabatrin has been studied as treatment for controlling drug addiction, do help to reduce weight. Another drug, tesofensine also regulates appetite and metabolism. Warning: Pro-anorexia drugs should not be taken without medical advice as these may have serious side effects.

  5. Exercise: Regular exercise and/or brisk walking for 15-20 minutes daily in addition to customized food and eating schedule is the key to fitness.

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