May God Decorate Every Golden Ray of the Sun Reaching You With Health, Wealth, Success and Prosperity for You in the Year "2010".
Wish you a "Very Happy and Memorable New Year".
Health Science, Nutrition, Home Remedies, Scientific Revelations and Time-pass Tips
May God Decorate Every Golden Ray of the Sun Reaching You With Health, Wealth, Success and Prosperity for You in the Year "2010".
Wish you a "Very Happy and Memorable New Year".
Normally our body has the ability to digest the food we eat and absorb the nutrients form it. Over 9 meters long alimentary canal helps to accomplish the function of digestion and absorption. Malabsorption syndrome could be defined as the inability of our body to absorb essential nutrients from the food. Malabsorption syndrome can affect any person irrespective of age and gender. It may lead to a variety of deficiencies like that of vitamins, minerals, proteins, fatty acids and other nutrients. The associated cause may be digestive or dietary deficiency. The factors that contribute to cause the malabsorption syndrome may be adoption of dieting schedules for reducing weight, habitual & excessive intake of alcohol, food allergies, a diet deficient in B-vitamins and diseases of the digestive organs like pancreas and liver. Intestinal malfunction caused due to excessive use of antibiotics and/or laxatives can also lead to malabsorption syndrome.
Symptoms of Malabsorption Syndrome:
Some complications of Malabsorption Syndrome:
Tips to fight Malabsorption Syndrome: